Thursday, May 8, 2008

Bob O'Hara - Camp Menogyn Community Hero

Bob O'Hara is probably the most well-traveled Arctic canoer of the last generation. His canoe resume resembles the scroll of chemical ingredients Monsanto wants us to believe are in an orange. He has done all of the rivers with Menogyn Long Trippers several times. He frequently leads workshops on Far North expeditions and is the sought-after guru for all things regarding Canadian Wilderness Canoeing and logistic planning.

His home has a collection of beautiful Inuit art that is probably the best between Toronto and LA. And he shares his knowledge and enthusiasm for the arctic with an inspired educator's energy.

Each spring, Bob invites Menogyn Long Trip Canoe guides over to his home, feeds them dinner, then, after spreading Canadian Hydrographic 1:250,000 maps all over the floor, gets down with them to discuss the intricacies of each bend in the river, rise in elevation and historical site. Our campers learn of thousand-year-old Inuit tent rings, specific safety concerns about weather, high water and ice, find out who is in the town of Baker Lake, and discover what color pack is best to have in the Arctic. This priceless information lends quality and competency to our group leadership and adds so much to the enjoyment and education of our campers.
This month, Bob got at least a small token of our great appreciation for all he has done for Menogyn groups over the years by graciously receiving the YMCA Community Hero Award for Camp Menogyn. Our prodigious thanks to Bob for all his years of service to Menogyn, his passion for the preservation of the land and his enduring friendship with the native people of the area.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Bob Ohara is a great man; I went to Canada with him and a bunch of classmates back in 1981 and had a great time. I hope he is doing well. Brad McDonell, Cooper class of "81"